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Perimeter Fencing for High-Security Protection

wall securityWith security our priority, and the first line of defence around our premises, boundary fence security is vitally important. 

Appropriate high-security fencing can act as an effective deterrent to would be criminal intruders.
In today’s continued criminal climate in South Africa, we need to be sure that we have done the best we can, to defend our properties and hard-earned goods.  We pay for whatever we have in our homes, so we need to make sure that we keep everything safe from free-loading shoppers with criminal intent.

With our perimeter fencing as our first line of defence, there are various options available to us, electric fencing, electronic surveillance, CCTV systems, razor wire, etc.  In most cases we need a combination of these options to give us relative peace of mind.

Boundary security is necessary for the following reasons:

1.      Deters some intruders from gaining access
2.      Is off-putting to some would-be intruders
3.    Detects determined intruders when they attempt to access your property or try to remove anything.
4.    Delays and aids in apprehending would-be intruders

Pitfalls to Avoid

There are a few common pitfalls we can avoid to ensure our safety. trees 

  • Always repair holes, as they provide easy access.  
  • Have no trees close to fencing as they can be used to climb over the fencing. 
  • Do not leave rubbish bins out on the pavement, as they provide aid in climbing over fencing.
  • Make sure you do regular checks to make sure that nobody is secretly digging a hole under your fencing, or that someone is chipping away at your walls, bit by bit, and make sure that trees are cut back to avoid easy access if you do have them close to walls or fencing. 

The best remedy for trees is to remove them and only plant at a safe distance from all boundary security.  Plant prickly plants like the fire thorn at the base of your walling or fence, they are not plants to mess with.

Should you notice any of these things, it is wise to get it all sorted out quickly so as not to compromise all your security.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss which options are best for you, or to request a free quotation.


Perimeter Security Fencing
Concrete Security Walls